Thursday, May 3, 2007

Horatio's Greatest Hits.

And by greatest, I mean worst. David Caruso's horrible, horrible over-acting is the reason why I never latched on to CSI: Miami. My parents love him though; they think he's just endearing and an all-around good guy. I, on the other hand, got tired of the fake sympathetic head-tilts, the ridiculously melodramatic pauses between words, that perpetual hands-on-hips pose, and his unrealistic ability to never ever flinch whenever something explodes/someone gets shot. Watch this:

The beginning of "Won't Get Fooled Again" will forever haunt me in my dreams.

1 comment:

[redacted] said...

this might be the funniest thing i have ever seen. i think there's something about horatio's character that appeals to parents or something. for whatever reason, my dad loves csi: miami.