Thursday, May 31, 2007

michael lohan sells out his daughter....again.

according to the associated press, lindsay's dad told e! news that his daughter not only has an alcohol addiction, but an addiction to oxycontin as well.

well it's a good thing lindsay's in rehab and she has her dad to help intervene with her substance abuse problem, otherwise she'd end up looking like jack from lost (get it, cause he was hooked on oxycontin. get it?).

on a related note, it seems lindsay is "happy in rehab". if she really is happy in rehab, then something is definitely wrong. you're supposed to be going through withdrawal and unhappy and miserable in rehab. someone send these celebrities to a real rehab facility in nebraska, or somewhere else in the middle of america. keep them there til they accomplish all twelve steps. then take it from there.

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