Friday, June 1, 2007

birds do it. bees do it too.

it's finally here! the new judd apatow movie knocked up comes out today. and unless you've been living under a rock away from all things pop culture, you would know that already. i already bought my tix on fandango (confirmation number 219091125... thank you very much). and after seeing a fun segment about judd apatow and his cool geekdom on nightline, it just made me that much more exicted to see this movie. not to mention a bit reminiscent of how cool freaks and geeks was.

some of my friends have gone to see the movie, and i've heard it's pretty awesome and hilarious as expected. and after seeing this international trailer (which is way cooler cause it's just pretty much one scene, curse words included). check it out for yourself and buy that movie ticket!

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